6th Mares Underwater Photo Marathon 2018

6th Mares Underwater Photo Marathon 2018

6th Mares Underwater Photo Marathon 2018

Dear participants,

Attached please find the final results!

Congratulations to all the winners, but also to everyone who has taken part in the 6th Mares Underwater Photo Marathon 2018.

This year we had 350 competitors from 46 countries! Thank you all for contributing to such an impressive number. The jury had a really difficult task thanks to so many amazing photos that we received from you.

The award ceremony will be held on May 12th in Punat (Island of Krk, Croatia), alongside the 3rd Mares Underwater Photo Marathon Cup.

All the winners and their partners have accommodation provided for. Please RSVP (uwphotomarathon@gmail.com) as soon as possible, so we can make a timely booking.

Everyone else is, of course, more than welcome to join us for the ceremony. After the award ceremony there will be a big party for all the divers and our friends.

Congratulations again to all the winners and many thanks to all our partners and sponsors!!

Your UWPM Team


Dragi natjecatelji,

U privitku su finalni rezultati natjecanja!

Čestitke svim pobjednicima, a također i svim sudionicima 6. Mares Underwater Photo Marathona 2018.

Ove godine sudjelovalo je 350 natjecatelja iz 46 zemalja! Hvala Vam što ste doprinjeli ovako velikom broju. Zahvaljujući velikom broju prekrasnih fotografija koje ste nam poslali, žiri je imao jako težak zadatak.

Svečana dodjela nagrada održat će se 12. svibnja 2018. u mjestu Punat (Otok Krk, Hrvatska) uz 3. Mares Underwater Photo Marathon Kup.

Svi pobjednici i njihovi partneri imat će osiguran smještaj. Molimo Vas da potvrdite svoj dolazak (uwphotomarathon@gmail.com) što prije je moguće, kako bi ga mogli na vrijeme rezervirati.

Naravno, svi ostali koji žele prisustvovati dodjeli nagrada su dobrodošli i pozvani na veliki party za sve ronioce i naše prijatelje.

Još jednom čestitamo svim pobjednicima i veliko hvala svim partnerima i sponzorima!! 🙂